NatalieDecember 25, 1993 - August 15, 2008August 15, ,2008 Amy and I took Natalie to our wonderful veterinarian today, for a PTS (put-to-sleep) consult. Although her spirit was as alive as ever, her body was failing due to stage IV congestive heart failure and her life was becoming very difficult due to the enlarged heart and related pulmonary edema. Some excellent drug therapy had improved her these past couple months, but the last few days had been really hard, and I could see times when she was trying so hard to get enough air that she was very scared. Thursday I noticed that she had to stay on her legs several times, shaking, because laying down put too much pressure on her lungs, so I knew it was nearly time. Both kids are still home from college for the summer, and only for a few more days, so I am grateful that the whole family was together for this. |
She got very lonely when we went to work, so the following year we got Archie, her companion. For about 5 years
it was just those two (plus the 3 cats we then had-- we're down to only one cat & 3 dogs now). Here's baby Archie helping big Natalie stand guard: |
She was a beauty in her prime, and ever afterwards. Technically she was a "tweenie", the class of dachshunds that are too small to be Standard but too large to be Miniature. Of all her nicknames, "Bignose" was the one that got used the most. |
We grew the pack to four wieners over the years, with Lucy, who's now 8, and Petey (P.T. Cruiser), now a very frisky two-year-old.
This picture was taken in August 2007. Left to right, I've got Nat, Amy has Archie, Jason has Lucy, and Diana holds Petey: |
Petey fell in love with Natalie the first day we brought him home. He'll have the hardest adjustment, she was his beloved.
When not playing with her or licking her (or, more often, getting licked by her), he'd curl up and sleep on her. |
Even on her terribly uncomfortable last day, she still had beauty and grace. |
Natalie "Bignose" Keller, December 25, 1993 - August 15, 2008. |
Loved and comforted every day of her life, and gently helped out of this world without fear or pain, we should all be so lucky. |
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