HTML Codes for Diacritics and Extended Characters

HTML Codes for Diacritics and Extended Characters


Many "special" and foreign-language characters can be displayed on your web pages by use of the following HTML extended character syntax



The character string in the first column should be prefaced by an ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon (;) to form the HTML code for the symbol or special character shown in the second column. The third column gives the description of the character or symbol.

View the source of this page to see another way of doing it!

Upper Case Characters

AElig - Æ - capital AE diphthong (ligature)
Aacute - Á - capital A, acute accent
Acirc - Â - capital A, circumflex accent
Agrave - À - capital A, grave accent
Aring - Å - capital A, ring
Atilde - Ã - capital A, tilde
Auml - Ä - capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

Ccedil - Ç - capital C, cedilla

ETH - Ð - capital Eth, Icelandic
Eacute - É - capital E, acute accent
Ecirc - Ê - capital E, circumflex accent
Egrave - È - capital E, grave accent
Euml - Ë - capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark

Iacute - Í - capital I, acute accent
Icirc - Î - capital I, circumflex accent
Igrave - Ì - capital I, grave accent
Iuml - Ï - capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

Ntilde - Ñ - capital N, tilde

Oacute - Ó - capital O, acute accent
Ocirc - Ô - capital O, circumflex accent
Ograve - Ò - capital O, grave accent
Oslash - Ø - capital O, slash
Otilde - Õ - capital O, tilde
Ouml - Ö - capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark

THORN - Þ - capital THORN, Icelandic

Uacute - Ú - capital U, acute accent
Ucirc - Û - capital U, circumflex accent
Ugrave - Ù - capital U, grave accent
Uuml - Ü - capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

Yacute - Ý - capital Y, acute accent

Lower Case Characters

aacute - á - small a, acute accent
acirc - â - small a, circumflex accent
aelig - æ - small ae diphthong (ligature)
agrave - à - small a, grave accent
aring - å - small a, ring
atilde - ã - small a, tilde
auml - ä - small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

ccedil - ç - small c, cedilla

eacute - é - small e, acute accent
ecirc - ê - small e, circumflex accent
egrave - è - small e, grave accent
eth - ð - small eth, Icelandic
euml - ë - small e, dieresis or umlaut mark

iacute - í - small i, acute accent
icirc - î - small i, circumflex accent
igrave - ì - small i, grave accent
iuml - ï - small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

ntilde - ñ - small n, tilde

oacute - ó - small o, acute accent
ocirc - ô - small o, circumflex accent
ograve - ò - small o, grave accent
oslash - ø - small o, slash
otilde - õ - small o, tilde
ouml - ö - small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

szlig - ß - small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

thorn - þ - small thorn, Icelandic

uacute - ú - small u, acute accent
ucirc - û - small u, circumflex accent
ugrave - ù - small u, grave accent
uuml - ü - small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

yacute - ý - small y, acute accent
yuml - ÿ - small y, dieresis or umlaut mark


Selected Extended Characters & Symbols

#161 - ¡ - Inverted exclamation
#191 - ¿ - Inverted question mark

#162 - ¢ - Cent sign
#163 - £ - Pound sterling
#164 - ¤ - General currency sign
#165 - ¥ - Yen sign

#167 - § - Section sign
#182 - ¶ - Paragraph sign

#170 - ª - Feminine ordinal
#186 - º - Masculine ordinal

#172 - ¬ - Not sign
#175 - ¯ - Macron accent

#169 - © - Copyright
#174 - ® - Registered trademark

#185 - ¹ - Superscript one
#178 - ² - Superscript two
#179 - ³ - Superscript three

#176 - ° - Degree sign
#181 - µ - Micro sign
#183 - · - Middle dot
#188 - ¼ - Fraction one - fourth
#189 - ½ - Fraction one - half
#190 - ¾ - Fraction three - fourths
#177 - ± - Plus or minus
#215 - × - Multiply sign
#247 - ÷ - Division sign
#171 - « - Left angle quote, guillemotleft
#187 - » - Right angle quote, guillemotright

Created by:

Dave Lampson <>

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